Art and online presence

In my pursuit to develop my business as a professional artist I have taken on wholeheartedly the task of creating a professional and consistent online presence. How time consuming is this??!!! I know it is necessary in this day and age but I feel like it is consuming all my time and leaving no time left for the good stuff. I have created a website with my own domain name, I have set up a mail chimp account trying to work out how to attach this to my website, I have updated my blog so all my names are consistent across all of my social media accounts, I have linked my accounts for ease of posting but man this has taken such a long time!!! I am hoping I am now at the easy end where I can just update things as I go but it scares me how much time this actually takes. I am hoping it will be worth it and I will get better and quicker and more efficient at creating updated information for people to see and in turn will generate more interest in what I do and sales in return. I hope I will b...